Are you ready Nick? Going to get some gas?
OK....I will sweep up the space and meet you around the corner where we can hook up the car!
Off he goes....
Our parking spot #61 looks so bare now!
One last picture of Barbara our Park Manager - "Thank you Barb! Have a great Summer!"
Nick fold out the tow unit...
Straightens it out...
Thumbs up Nick? Are we ready to roll?
Everything in place, drawers closed, water & propane off...yep all in place!
Yes Nick is ready - OK ....
...On the Road Again......!
Ah...yes mattress strapped in too! Alright!
My guitar is "resting" on the bed!
Car OK? Check! Bikes secure..Check!
Sedona is a 3 hour drive north. We started climbing elevation.
Nick stopped at a rest stop to check on things and stretch his legs...gosh these rest stops are so big...look at all those trucks lined up!
Hey Nick there is the turn off....179!
Just 15 more miles!
Oh gosh....we are getting closer...there's that beautiful RED Rock again! Such a beautiful sight!
When we were here a month ago, - we found this lovely RV park and so we made a reservation!
There are others already standing in line to register!
Ah and there is our spot...#32!
A pretty park and all so very neat & tidy! Even the rocks were laid out and raked!
We have full hook up so Nick got busy connecting the cable, electricity and sewer & water!
I made lunch (so nice to have everything with us...we sure appreciate & are thankful for our "house on wheels!"
We relaxed for a while and then decided to enjoy a hike! Sounds Great!
Let's Go!
We climbed up in elevation - a little bit of huffing and puffing....but we knew it would be good exercise....good for the lungs!
We had done a good hike....can you see way down there?
Pretty huh? To see this bright yellow flower growing in between the shrubs!
Look at this Century plant stalk! Do you see how big it grows? It is very thick and hard!
We always see something new and different! When it opens up and in bloom....then whole agave plant dies!
We had a great hike...and then headed back to the campground. Fixed dinner and relaxed!
We are at 4500 feet elevation here! So cools down nicely in the evening!
Good Night! Sleep Tight!
I am traveling vicariously through you guys while I do my homework. I love the photos - keep them coming. xoxoxox