April 30th - our last day in Apache Junction and this park! We said our good-byes to Nick & family last evening. Nicky & Shannon are departing next week Wednesday and going up to the boat in Washington where they will enjoy the summer months.
We hope to visit them too this summer. Nicky has a beautiful 40 foot sail boat in Blaine WA. right on the border of Canada.
Nicholaas our grandson & Jasmine are staying at the house here in Mesa. They are both working at their jobs and getting established here in Arizona. Nicholaas just purchased a car so they are doing well! The plan is that Nicholaas & Jasmine will come for a week or so to enjoy the San Juan islands this summer sometime in August!
We are busy getting things ready to go on the road tomorrow! This RV has been sitting here for 4.6 months now - so there are some things to put in order before we leave.
I did some shopping today and did the laundry. We are saying our good-bye's to the people around us here in the park that we have enjoyed getting to know these past 4.6 months.
Our drive tomorrow is about 3 hours. We will hook up the car to the motor home again.
We plan to be in Sedona around 12 noon which is check-in time at the RV park where we made reservations for 2 more days. It is a lovely park along a creek.
When we visited Sedona a month ago, we really enjoyed it there - it was an overwhelmingly beautiful place to see!
So we are both excited to go back and enjoy it again and this time with the motor home!
There are so many beautiful sights to see and lots of really great hikes yet to enjoy!
Then we will head to the Grand Canyon. It is already a busy time of the year...for we had to make some calls to find an available space to rent in the campground there! Thankfully we found something 7 miles outside of the Grand Canyon entrance - not bad! Even though it is just the beginning of May, - and schools are not yet out! But many "snowbirds" are traveling "home" too and most likely, just like us, they too are enjoying some sights on the way!
I personally have not seen the Canyon or Zion and Bryce - Nick did visit the Grand Canyon with his family many years ago. Together we will enjoy seeing some new sights!
So we are both Excited!
We will keep you all posted! Happy Trails!
Retired..sold house, furn, cars & took a One Way to Singapore, Jn 2013! Traveled 16 mo to Malaysia, Thailand & Cambodia & Indonesia & lived there for 9 months! Getting reacquainted with both our Dutch-Indo heritage & the people of Indonesia! Continued our travels to Israel, Greece, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany & Holland. Re-entered into the US, Oct 2014 - & guess what? No house, furn & cars...but on the road again..in a motor home!
Thursday, April 30, 2015
A Special Morning ~
Here's Melissa...our new friend!
We met Melissa & her husband Russ through our dear friend Linda in Indonesia! Melissa and her parents served in Indonesia when she was young...and in the very town we lived in for 9 months!
Sweet as can be!
After the ladies prayer meeting this morning the plan was to meet for lunch at Theresa's home and enjoy a nice lunch before others departed back to their homes in other States for the summer!
How sweet to organize this!
Busy Busy getting everything ready...we had all worked up an appetite!
Delicious salads were enjoyed!
Suzanne and her husband Rick have been coming to Arizona for a few years from Wisconsin!
Suzanne my new friend, and Anita had joined us this morning!Anita and her husband are missionaries from South Africa and have served in Asia as well!
They were visiting for a few days with Nancy and family and would be going to England soon! It was a pleasure to meet her! Anita has a Dutch background because of course the Dutch did colonize South Africa as well!
Those Dutchies! They have the antsy's in the pantsie! ha!
There is Yolie with a big smile and Lori next to her! And Ashley came to join us for the first time today - we did do our best to welcome her warmly!
There's Carmen and Jan ~ with big smiles!
Theresa our hostess did a tremendous job!
A BIG Thank you Theresa for your gracious hospitality in your lovely home!
We all had a lovely time!
A Prayer of Thanksgiving to our Lord for a wonderful Winter season of sweet friendships and knitting hearts!
Sitting outside in 90 degree weather was lovely! We enjoyed a sweet time together with all the ladies and enjoyed a scrumptious lunch!
I have made new friends here in Apache Junction and Mesa Arizona! How special it has been!
God blesses us where ever we are!
We plan to come back in December! See you all then!
We enjoyed dinner date with Suzanne & Rick in their new apartment! They have decided to live here in the winter time for 7 months and visit the family in Colorado and Wisconsin the other 5 months! Suzanne plays the guitar (Ellen is learning!!! It's been since my teenager days) and Suzanne has a beautiful voice and makes songs to the scriptures! What a gift!
We met Melissa & her husband Russ through our dear friend Linda in Indonesia! Melissa and her parents served in Indonesia when she was young...and in the very town we lived in for 9 months!
Sweet as can be!
After the ladies prayer meeting this morning the plan was to meet for lunch at Theresa's home and enjoy a nice lunch before others departed back to their homes in other States for the summer!
How sweet to organize this!
Busy Busy getting everything ready...we had all worked up an appetite!
Delicious salads were enjoyed!
Suzanne and her husband Rick have been coming to Arizona for a few years from Wisconsin!
Suzanne my new friend, and Anita had joined us this morning!Anita and her husband are missionaries from South Africa and have served in Asia as well!
They were visiting for a few days with Nancy and family and would be going to England soon! It was a pleasure to meet her! Anita has a Dutch background because of course the Dutch did colonize South Africa as well!
Those Dutchies! They have the antsy's in the pantsie! ha!
There is Yolie with a big smile and Lori next to her! And Ashley came to join us for the first time today - we did do our best to welcome her warmly!
There's Carmen and Jan ~ with big smiles!
Theresa our hostess did a tremendous job!
A BIG Thank you Theresa for your gracious hospitality in your lovely home!
We all had a lovely time!
A Prayer of Thanksgiving to our Lord for a wonderful Winter season of sweet friendships and knitting hearts!
Say "Cheese!"
I have made new friends here in Apache Junction and Mesa Arizona! How special it has been!
God blesses us where ever we are!
We plan to come back in December! See you all then!
We enjoyed dinner date with Suzanne & Rick in their new apartment! They have decided to live here in the winter time for 7 months and visit the family in Colorado and Wisconsin the other 5 months! Suzanne plays the guitar (Ellen is learning!!! It's been since my teenager days) and Suzanne has a beautiful voice and makes songs to the scriptures! What a gift!
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Hikes Around ~
We needed some gas and saw this trailer with 4 horses - so cute with their heads sticking out! They people were going to be doing some trail riding because the horses were all saddled up already!
Off they go!
Did you notice the gas prices here? Pretty good huh for a gallon of gas? $2.29!
The "lichen" on the rocks are a bright yellow!
And this little cactus is VERY mean! This pretty little purple pointy things are hard and sharp as can be! OUCH!
Don't even get close...and don't touch it!
(talking from experience!)
Very first snake we came across on our hikes
....this one was a baby snake! But he was not happy with me taking this picture...he was ready to pounce on me see his neck?
"OK OK - I will let you be!"
This morning I was greeted by Mr Carrot himself!
Quite a friendly Welcome with my morning carrot juice!
It's Been a While Since I Posted....
Yes Hi Again! We have had some quiet weeks since our trip to Sedona...just doing this and that's!
We enjoy continuous hikes around the area. Lots of hiking paths to enjoy! We take our day pack and sometimes we pick up a Subway sandwich and then go off unto the trails! Of course we have a weekly errands to run too.
I have been invited to a Ladies meeting on Wednesday's and that has been wonderful! Always such a special time!
One of my desires when I would "retire" was to pick up the guitar again...and I have been doing just that! Getting back to playing my chords and getting those fingers to stretch and strum - takes time and the callouses on the finger tips have to be built up again! Ouch! But it is coming along and so I hope to find a group in Bend to stay with the practice and learn!
So many have encouraged me (Thank you!) about our Blog. I have always wanted to do a little writing and so I have started a new blog and it is called "Words that Encourage!" (www.hiswordalamp.blogspot.com) These are scriptures & verses that the Lord has given me through the years and I have expounded on them. Just putting into writing the encouragement God has given me through the years! That has been special for me personally just to get it on paper (well blog - that is!) I hope it may bring encouragement to others as well!
Nick & I have also decided to write down some of our family history. People keep saying "you should share the stories about your heritage!" We both have a family member on both sides who are doing a Diemel Ancestry search and also my cousin in Holland is doing a Baidenmann family history search! I think it is pretty amazing that even these names crossed it's path in a cemetery in Chimahi/ Bundung, Java where Nick's father and my grandfather are buried in the very same Memorial Military Grounds! Can you believe that? We were so overwhelmed to find this out a few years ago and of course we had to go see it for ourselves when we were in Indonesia! And the neat thing is that there are a total of 7 of these Dutch Military Cemeteries in Java and both his father and my grandfather are there buried n the one cemetery! Amazing right?
We have also enjoyed some painting - Nick is a wonderful artist and I have done a little in the past...so on a quiet afternoon we will pull out the brushes and canvas and each do a little work....it gets really quiet here in the motor home because we are intently concentrated - ha!.
Nick & I have really enjoyed playing pool at the clubhouse here in the park. Several times a week we will play a good competitive game(s) together! We are both very competitive and yes we both enjoy winning too-ha! So we are working hard on our skills and angles and just love those balls to fly into those pockets! We have enjoyed playing 8 ball but recently we have been very competitively playing 9 ball - a little different which as you can figure is using only 9 balls. You shot the balls in sequence 1 through 9 - and every time you aim the white cue ball at the following number ball - you must at least tap it...or the next person can pick up the white cue ball and place it at the right angle to hit that following ball into a pocket! It has been fun and so far so good....I have beat him a few times! Ellen likes - very much...but Nick - well he is just good..and he too gets the balls just where they need to go! His smile is much brighter though when he wins! Ha! Sorry Nico!
Slowly but surely ever since April 1st, the people all around us in he park are leaving to head home - either by car or flying out or driving their RV's or 5th Wheels home to Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Colorado, Kansas, Virginia...we can't believe all these retired people and yes many are in their mid 80' and they are all still doing this every year! But we see it in the stores, restaurants, streets, it is getting very quiet around here in the area....like a "ghost town!" The locals says that their livelihood comes from the people who come here to winter - so everything slow down really slows down for the summer months! But everyone will be back here again starting November!
Nick & I can certainly understand it now that we have been here ourselves these 4 1/2 months! It has been such mild weather and with some rains here and there and some cooler nights here and there..still, it has been at an average of 70-80 degrees all these months and also some really nice days around the high 80's and even some days in the low 90's! So' amazingly pleasant! No wonder so many people come from so far away to escape the cold winter from up north!
There are people in the park that live here full time - we hear that might be about 15 occupied mobile homes. But the rest ....are heading home!
To Nick & I i'ts a whole new experience, of course! We both admit that the warmth and being able to enjoy the outdoors all winter has been a big treat! We have walked most everyday and hike at least 3-4 times a week! So conditioning has been great!
Nick & Shannon, and Nicholaas and Jasmine are doing well...busy earning a living! Nicky works at a very large and reputable RV lot and the busy season is when all the snowbirds are here...so all these months he has pretty much worked a 6 day week! Shannon stays busy with doing improvements on the house they live in (and she is quite handy!) Nicholaas was hired at the local Toyota Dealer and is selling cars...he is doing a great job! Jasmine his girlfriend is a makeup artist & stylist and is working in the Dion department at the shopping village! We just got word that McKenna our grand daughter (Nicky's daughter who still lives in Cabo San Lucas Mexico has been accepted at Arizona State University! We are proud of her! She is interested in law! Smart girl! So McKenna will be moving into the house later this Summer and start her studies and work towards her career!
This weekend we will be celebrating both Nicky and Shannon's Birthday at their home...so it will be great to get together again!
Shannon is VERY gifted in art - just amazing what she can do and so' detailed! So we got her some art items to continue to be so creative!
Go Shannon...you are really good...keep it up girl!
Nick painted the Superstition Mountain range here in the area. Well with them moving here it was a nice personal gift to them -
Nicky enjoyed that!
The upcoming plans:
We have paid our space rent up to the 30th of April and then we will leave here with our motor home pulling our car. We have booked 2 nights in Sedona along a creek - it seemed so nice when we drove through it when we visited there!
From there we will enjoy seeing the Grand Canyon for a few days and then go on to Zion and Bryce National Parks too. Nick has a dear friend who we will be visiting in Nevada on the very tip of Arizona, Utah and Nevada in Overton. From there we will drive north towards Modesto again to see friends & visit Jim our step-dad in the Bay Area.
The plan is to head north to Oregon after that! The end of May the weather in Oregon should be warming up again! We look forward to see the family there again and all our friends and enjoying the beauty of Central Oregon!
Yes....we both still love the pines!
We enjoy continuous hikes around the area. Lots of hiking paths to enjoy! We take our day pack and sometimes we pick up a Subway sandwich and then go off unto the trails! Of course we have a weekly errands to run too.
I have been invited to a Ladies meeting on Wednesday's and that has been wonderful! Always such a special time!
One of my desires when I would "retire" was to pick up the guitar again...and I have been doing just that! Getting back to playing my chords and getting those fingers to stretch and strum - takes time and the callouses on the finger tips have to be built up again! Ouch! But it is coming along and so I hope to find a group in Bend to stay with the practice and learn!
So many have encouraged me (Thank you!) about our Blog. I have always wanted to do a little writing and so I have started a new blog and it is called "Words that Encourage!" (www.hiswordalamp.blogspot.com) These are scriptures & verses that the Lord has given me through the years and I have expounded on them. Just putting into writing the encouragement God has given me through the years! That has been special for me personally just to get it on paper (well blog - that is!) I hope it may bring encouragement to others as well!
Nick & I have also decided to write down some of our family history. People keep saying "you should share the stories about your heritage!" We both have a family member on both sides who are doing a Diemel Ancestry search and also my cousin in Holland is doing a Baidenmann family history search! I think it is pretty amazing that even these names crossed it's path in a cemetery in Chimahi/ Bundung, Java where Nick's father and my grandfather are buried in the very same Memorial Military Grounds! Can you believe that? We were so overwhelmed to find this out a few years ago and of course we had to go see it for ourselves when we were in Indonesia! And the neat thing is that there are a total of 7 of these Dutch Military Cemeteries in Java and both his father and my grandfather are there buried n the one cemetery! Amazing right?
We have also enjoyed some painting - Nick is a wonderful artist and I have done a little in the past...so on a quiet afternoon we will pull out the brushes and canvas and each do a little work....it gets really quiet here in the motor home because we are intently concentrated - ha!.
Nick & I have really enjoyed playing pool at the clubhouse here in the park. Several times a week we will play a good competitive game(s) together! We are both very competitive and yes we both enjoy winning too-ha! So we are working hard on our skills and angles and just love those balls to fly into those pockets! We have enjoyed playing 8 ball but recently we have been very competitively playing 9 ball - a little different which as you can figure is using only 9 balls. You shot the balls in sequence 1 through 9 - and every time you aim the white cue ball at the following number ball - you must at least tap it...or the next person can pick up the white cue ball and place it at the right angle to hit that following ball into a pocket! It has been fun and so far so good....I have beat him a few times! Ellen likes - very much...but Nick - well he is just good..and he too gets the balls just where they need to go! His smile is much brighter though when he wins! Ha! Sorry Nico!
Slowly but surely ever since April 1st, the people all around us in he park are leaving to head home - either by car or flying out or driving their RV's or 5th Wheels home to Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Colorado, Kansas, Virginia...we can't believe all these retired people and yes many are in their mid 80' and they are all still doing this every year! But we see it in the stores, restaurants, streets, it is getting very quiet around here in the area....like a "ghost town!" The locals says that their livelihood comes from the people who come here to winter - so everything slow down really slows down for the summer months! But everyone will be back here again starting November!
Nick & I can certainly understand it now that we have been here ourselves these 4 1/2 months! It has been such mild weather and with some rains here and there and some cooler nights here and there..still, it has been at an average of 70-80 degrees all these months and also some really nice days around the high 80's and even some days in the low 90's! So' amazingly pleasant! No wonder so many people come from so far away to escape the cold winter from up north!
There are people in the park that live here full time - we hear that might be about 15 occupied mobile homes. But the rest ....are heading home!
To Nick & I i'ts a whole new experience, of course! We both admit that the warmth and being able to enjoy the outdoors all winter has been a big treat! We have walked most everyday and hike at least 3-4 times a week! So conditioning has been great!
Nick & Shannon, and Nicholaas and Jasmine are doing well...busy earning a living! Nicky works at a very large and reputable RV lot and the busy season is when all the snowbirds are here...so all these months he has pretty much worked a 6 day week! Shannon stays busy with doing improvements on the house they live in (and she is quite handy!) Nicholaas was hired at the local Toyota Dealer and is selling cars...he is doing a great job! Jasmine his girlfriend is a makeup artist & stylist and is working in the Dion department at the shopping village! We just got word that McKenna our grand daughter (Nicky's daughter who still lives in Cabo San Lucas Mexico has been accepted at Arizona State University! We are proud of her! She is interested in law! Smart girl! So McKenna will be moving into the house later this Summer and start her studies and work towards her career!
This weekend we will be celebrating both Nicky and Shannon's Birthday at their home...so it will be great to get together again!
Shannon is VERY gifted in art - just amazing what she can do and so' detailed! So we got her some art items to continue to be so creative!
Go Shannon...you are really good...keep it up girl!
Nick painted the Superstition Mountain range here in the area. Well with them moving here it was a nice personal gift to them -
Nicky enjoyed that!
Nice picture Nick & Shannon!
Happy Birthday Shannon April 8th
Happy Birthday Nicky April 19th
Nicholaas what happened? What happened to that handsome smile?
I know it was a l o n g day today at work right? Ha!
The upcoming plans:
We have paid our space rent up to the 30th of April and then we will leave here with our motor home pulling our car. We have booked 2 nights in Sedona along a creek - it seemed so nice when we drove through it when we visited there!
From there we will enjoy seeing the Grand Canyon for a few days and then go on to Zion and Bryce National Parks too. Nick has a dear friend who we will be visiting in Nevada on the very tip of Arizona, Utah and Nevada in Overton. From there we will drive north towards Modesto again to see friends & visit Jim our step-dad in the Bay Area.
The plan is to head north to Oregon after that! The end of May the weather in Oregon should be warming up again! We look forward to see the family there again and all our friends and enjoying the beauty of Central Oregon!
Yes....we both still love the pines!
Monday, April 6, 2015
Sedona Arizona
"Gosh! I think we are almost there Nick...see in the distance the "red mountains" we have heard about?"
Sedona Arizona Oh What a beautiul place!

My look over there!
Oh I can't believe the sights!
Just look at the formations of those rocks!!!! Can you believe it?
Absolutely stunning!!!!
....and Look over there!!!
Driving into Sedona - it was a bustling town with many people enjoying the sights, the shops and weather!

See how busy it was in Sedona - we quickly began to search for a place to sleep for the night!
Sugar Loaf Lodge - Reasonable & a cute retro kind of motel!
We like these cute older motels -
Now that we had a place to stay for the night - we went off again to see this beautiful place!
We followed some "touring" jeeps loaded with tourists - a good way to see the sights & nice and cheap too! Ha!
All that sitting in the car from Apache Junction - a 3 hour drive, it was time to stretch our legs and go for a good hike!
Which we did!
Such beauty around us - and so many hiking trails to choose from!
We love the red rock & red earth...just beautiful! We had been told there was a cute place to go see called Tlaquepaque Village - so we did just that! There was shops and galleries to see there and a "good place to eat" we were told!
Oak Creek Pub & Grill - Really good!
A nice family environment! With good eatin'!
The next morning, after a good nights sleep in the Lodge, Nick & I got up nice & early ( for us that is- ha!) and went to Coffee Pot Restaurant - highly recommended by my sis Maralin! OK - will do...and it happened to be just down the street from our motel, so we walked there!
They are known for their 100 different kinds of omelette's and everything is made from scratch!
Coffee Pot Restaurant - built in the 50' and it was all original inside! So fun to sit and look around & enjoy a good hardy breakfast! It was a busy place - evidently very popular to the locals and yes us new-by's!
The wall behind the counter had pictures of celebrity's that have dined here in the past.
We hiked to the summit of Sugar Loaf trail - and saw a gorgeous view off all of Sedona!
Up there behind me, is where we hiked up to.
Thunder Mountain ~
We met a really nice couple, Ron & Janice from Los Gatos CA- who were also enjoying Sedona. We chatted for a while and they had also done some traveling to Asia and other interesting areas! So' fun to relate and have a really nice chat there on the pretty terrace!
Fortunately, we found a really cute RV park to stay at -
Sedona Arizona Oh What a beautiul place!
My look over there!
Entering into town....gosh look over there...look at those pillar of rocks in the distance!!!!!!
Oh I can't believe the sights!
Just look at the formations of those rocks!!!! Can you believe it?
Absolutely stunning!!!!
....and Look over there!!!
Driving into Sedona - it was a bustling town with many people enjoying the sights, the shops and weather!
See how busy it was in Sedona - we quickly began to search for a place to sleep for the night!
Sugar Loaf Lodge - Reasonable & a cute retro kind of motel!
We like these cute older motels -
Now that we had a place to stay for the night - we went off again to see this beautiful place!
We followed some "touring" jeeps loaded with tourists - a good way to see the sights & nice and cheap too! Ha!
All that sitting in the car from Apache Junction - a 3 hour drive, it was time to stretch our legs and go for a good hike!
Which we did!
Such beauty around us - and so many hiking trails to choose from!
We love the red rock & red earth...just beautiful! We had been told there was a cute place to go see called Tlaquepaque Village - so we did just that! There was shops and galleries to see there and a "good place to eat" we were told!
Oak Creek Pub & Grill - Really good!
A nice family environment! With good eatin'!
The next morning, after a good nights sleep in the Lodge, Nick & I got up nice & early ( for us that is- ha!) and went to Coffee Pot Restaurant - highly recommended by my sis Maralin! OK - will do...and it happened to be just down the street from our motel, so we walked there!
They are known for their 100 different kinds of omelette's and everything is made from scratch!
Coffee Pot Restaurant - built in the 50' and it was all original inside! So fun to sit and look around & enjoy a good hardy breakfast! It was a busy place - evidently very popular to the locals and yes us new-by's!
The wall behind the counter had pictures of celebrity's that have dined here in the past.
Oh yes, Jane Russell - the movie star had been a previous owner!
A good breakfast and off we went to do more sightseeing! We decided to go for another hike!We hiked to the summit of Sugar Loaf trail - and saw a gorgeous view off all of Sedona!
Up there behind me, is where we hiked up to.
Beautiful shot Nico! Love the yellow flowers to the side!
A common Arizona style home ~ Fits nicely with the rock surroundings - don't you think?
No grass lawns here...too costly to keep green! All the houses have gravel rock yards. It gets to be 115 degrees here in the Summer time May through August/September!
No grass lawns here...too costly to keep green! All the houses have gravel rock yards. It gets to be 115 degrees here in the Summer time May through August/September!
The Chapel of the Holy Cross church- built between the rocks! Such a beautiful view!
Thunder Mountain ~
We met a really nice couple, Ron & Janice from Los Gatos CA- who were also enjoying Sedona. We chatted for a while and they had also done some traveling to Asia and other interesting areas! So' fun to relate and have a really nice chat there on the pretty terrace!
When we leave here in Apache Junction at the end of this month- we will go back again to Sedona for 2 more days before heading north to the Grand Canyon. It will be worth it - there is still so' much to see!
Fortunately, we found a really cute RV park to stay at -
So we will reserve a spot for May!
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